Archbishop Peter Jensen was astonished to learn that he only came second in poll to determine Sydney's most famous icons, particularly given all of his family voted.
This astonishingly life-like portrait depicts Peter Jensen with one of his few family members not employed by the Church. Suggestions that it is the artist's impression of our Archbishop under the influence of cannabis are incorrect.
Few people realise Archbishop Jensen is also a champion professional surfer. With tousled bleached-blonde and a cheeky smile he epitomises the great Australian outdoors.
This blog is inspired by the Reverend Ian Millican of St. Mark's Berowra, who when speaking to theHornsby and Upper North Shore Advocateabout a forthcoming vsit from Archbishop Jensen made the following unforgettable statement:
"It may not be the Pope coming out for World Youth Day, but it's on the same level for us." He wasn't joking.